Luz Holidays is a management company based in Praia da Luz which provides various services to property owners along the Algarve coastline, within 30 minutes’ drive from Luz. We cover all areas ranging from Vila da Luz, Montinhos da Luz, Lagos, Salema, Espiche and Bela Vista.
Property Owners
These are some of the services we provide to homeowners (residents and non-residents) in Portugal. If you do not reside in your property in the Algarve all year round, we recommend you appoint a reliable and professional property management company like us to look after the villa or apartment and all related issues:
- Property Management (contractual or occasional services),
- Renting out your property,
- Any kind of insurance (we are a licensed operator),
- Advertising you property,
- Booking requests and payment processing,
- Dealing with holiday makers (meet and greet on arrival and departure, taking care of all their needs regarding both the property and their stay),
- Maid Service and Laundry Service,
- Pool, garden or any kind of regular property maintenance,
- Payment of any kind of bills (electricity, water, telephone, rates, etc),
- Regular visits to the property, so as to maintain it in perfect condition,
- Providing any kind of repair work (large or minor repairs, painting, plumbing, electricity, etc),
- Preparing the House for Arrivals (food parcels, pool heating, beds made or any especial requirement).
Some of the advantages of using our services:
- We have more than 20 years of experience and a flawless record in keeping properties and clients happy (see our recommendations)
- We are only a phone call away, we have our office open Monday to Friday, and Saturday morning, and we are available 24/7 for any emergency.
- We have a multilingual staff (Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and German) and we are always available for advice and to assist you in any local matter.
- We will provide monthly statements of all expenses and receipts;
- We have a large team as well several trusted collaborators that can supervise and carry out any works or maintenance needed in your property
- Your Property can be featured on the LuzHolidays.com website as well as several European holiday operators that we have a partnership with.
As always you can contact us for more details, advice or inquiries on our contacts page, thank you.