6 years after our last major re-design, we are proud to welcome you to a brand new LuzHolidays, just in time for the 2014 Summer Holidays in Luz! So here are some of the changes and improvements from our previous website:
- Fresh New Design – Bigger, Faster, Cleaner! We chose a cleaner design focusing on simplicity and usability. It is now easier than ever to check our properties and make a quick enquiry to see what is available (from 5 clicks down to 3 clicks).
- Responsive Design – Now you can use the website on any device, from your computer to your mobile. The website will adapt itself to make it easy to navigate and make full use of it.
- Smaller – Looks can be deceiving. While it may look bigger and better, the website is on average 1/4 of the size it once was and threrefore snappier and smoother to use.
- Clean Content – Sometimes we created a page, a post or just added info here and there, so some things were somewhat hidden away; now everything is easily found and in it’s respective place.
- New Property Pages – The old pages were a bit of a mess; now they are simple and to the point. This new design also allows us to insert as much content as we like, without the website becoming slow or awkward.
Nothing like a fresh lick of paint to re-energize things. There will be plenty of news in the coming weeks. We would like to point out that the website is in beta, while we tweak some settings and clear things out, so if you see any bad spelling or errors, please e-mail us at [email protected] and we will sort it out.
As always, have a super day :)